You can pay your taxes and fees using your credit cards through Internet Banking, Alo Albaraka, and our branches.
You can make your SGK and Bağ-Kur payments through Internet Banking, ATMs, Alo Albaraka, and our branches.
Set up automatic payment instructions for your bills, and never worry about forgetting them again.
You can make a donation of any amount through Internet Banking, by calling Alo Albaraka, or at our branches.
You can pay highway and bridge tolls automatically and without waiting using the Fast Transit System (HGS).
You can pay for education/accommodation services in installments without interest, without needing a credit card.
You can easily make your ÖSYM exam payments through Internet Banking, ATMs, Alo Albaraka, and our branches.
If you're a pilgrim for Umrah or planning for Hajj, you can easily make your payments at our branches or through Internet Banking.
You can pay the maintenance fees for the apartments and sites we have agreements with through our bank.
You can pay your taxes and fees for the municipalities we have agreements with at our bank branches, through Internet Banking, and via Alo Albaraka.
You can now easily make payment for your online shoppings from your account in our Bank via ComPay.
If you are a retiree from SSK, the Pension Fund, or Bağ-Kur, you can easily withdraw your pensions at our branches or Albaraka Türk ATMs.
You can easily make your payments to the Chambers of Commerce through Albaraka Mobile, Internet Banking, ATMs, Alo Albaraka, and our branches.