Albaraka Mobil
Mobil Bankacılık

Current and Live Exchange Rates

The easiest way to access up-to-date exchange rates is with Albaraka Türk! Track the current value of the US Dollar, Euro, Precious Metals, and other popular currencies against the Turkish Lira in real time.

Real-Time Exchange Rates

At Albaraka Türk, we provide live and updated exchange rates, helping you make informed decisions when trading currencies. With our real-time currency table, you can follow the market trends instantly and access the latest information on bank rates and more.

Albaraka Exchange Rates

Last Updated: 29.03.2025-07:08
Currency Type Bank Bid Price Bank Offer Price
Amerikan Doları(USD) 36,705 39,26
Avrupa Para Birimi(EUR) 39,744 42,519
Sterlin(GBP) 47,47 50,811
İsviçre Frangı(CHF) 41,667 44,574
Norveç Kronu(NOK) 3,492 3,745
Danimarka Kronu(DKK) 5,316 5,7
İsveç Kronu(SEK) 3,651 3,929
S.Arabistan Riyali(SAR) 9,785 10,467
Avusturalya Doları(AUD) 23,072 24,74
Kanada Doları(CAD) 25,579 27,428
Kuveyt Dinarı(KWD) 118,81 127,418
Japon Yeni(JPY) 0,2444 0,2621
Altın(XAU) 3622,419 3894,892
Ruble(RUB) 0,432 0,4622
Bahreyn Dinarı(BHD) 94,519 107,368
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Dirhemi(AED) 9,992 10,69
Katar Riyali(QAR) 9,773 11,106
Gümüş(XAG) 39,9298 43,4396
Çin Yuanı(CNY) 5,0226 5,4286
Bulgar levası(BGN) 20,319 21,739
Yeni Rumen Leyi(RON) 7,963 8,5497
Irak Dinarı(IQD) 0,02799 0,03

Currency Converter


Instant Exchange Rates

The exchange rate calculation process is critical for investors and users to make the right decisions in rapidly changing market conditions. With our tool, you can complete your transactions in a simple way by instantly converting your desired exchange rates.

What is an Exchange Rate?

An exchange rate represents the value of one country’s currency in terms of another. Various factors, such as economic conditions, political developments, and central bank policies all influence exchange rate fluctuations. Today, exchange rates constantly change in financial markets.

How Are Exchange Rates Determined?

Currency values are determined by the balance of supply and demand, countries’ economic indicators, profit rates, inflation, and political stability. In a free-market economy, exchange rates fluctuate continuously, creating both risks and opportunities for investors trading foreign exchange. For the latest foreign exchange rates and fast currency trading, visit Albaraka Turk’s website or mobile app

About Albaraka Exchange Rates

Albaraka Türk Participation Bank is always by your side for all your foreign exchange transactions. You can complete your transactions within seconds with favorable Dollar and Euro exchange rates, as well as other currencies listed.

Easily Track Live Exchange Rates

You can instantly access the most up-to-date market data by following instant exchange rates through Albaraka's digital channels. Tracking exchange rates helps you make the right timing for buying and selling foreign currency.

Instant Exchange Rates - Buy and Sell Live

Albaraka Türk offers its customers the opportunity to make transactions at the most favourable rates by providing current foreign exchange buying and selling prices. Stay updated with Albaraka’s real-time buy and sell rates for USD, EUR, and various other currencies across all channels.

Fast & Easy Currency Exchange via Mobile and Internet Branch

With Albaraka Mobile and Internet Branch, you can easily exchange currencies anytime. Simply place “Buy Currency” or “Sell Currency” orders and convert your funds to your desired currency 24/7.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Types of Exchange Rates?

There are three main types of exchange rates: fixed, flexible, and managed. In a fixed exchange rate system, the rate is maintained at a set level, while in a flexible system, it fluctuates according to market conditions.

How Much is 1 Dollar in TL?

The value of 1 US Dollar against the Turkish Lira fluctuates in real-time. For the latest exchange rate updates, please visit our page.

How Much is 1 Euro in TL?

The value of 1 Euro against the Turkish Lira fluctuates in real-time. For the latest exchange rate updates, please visit our page.

What Are Free Market Exchange Rates?

Free market exchange rates are currency prices set by supply and demand. These rates fluctuate freely without intervention by central banks.

What Is a Cross Exchange Rate?

A cross rate is a type of exchange rate that shows the value of one foreign currency relative to another. For example, the Euro/Dollar cross rate indicates how many US Dollars one Euro is worth.

How is the exchange rate determined?

The exchange rate is determined by factors including supply and demand conditions, the state of the national economy, interest rates and inflation.

What Is the Central Bank Exchange Rate?

The central bank exchange rate is the officially announced rate set by the central bank. These rates are usually set in line with the market rates.

What to Consider in Currency Exchange?

When exchanging currencies, it’s important to follow real-time exchange rate fluctuations, consider transaction costs, and monitor market trends.

Why Do Exchange Rates Fluctuate?

Exchange rates fluctuate because of various factors, including economic data, political developments, central bank policies and volatility in global markets.