Albaraka Mobil
Mobil Bankacılık

If you are planning to invest in real estate, you can get 100% financial support from Albaraka Türk with a 60-month maturity.


  • You have the opportunity to set the maturity up to 60 months for the financing. You can use financing in TL currency only and up to 100% of the appraisal value of land.

(*) Appraisal process is carried out by Capital Markets Board (CMB) licensed companies that Albaraka Turk has an agreement.

  • If you are 18 years old and older, you can apply for land financing.
  • If you want to benefit from the land financing as a real person, you must submit a copy of deed of the land to be purchased, your ID card and income certficate. If you are a paid employee, you must submit the payroll or documents approved by your workplace which show your net salary.
  • If you want to benefit from the land financing as a self-employed person; you must submit a copy of your tax certificate, approved financial statements and income tables, current year balance sheet, copies of real estate deeds if any, rental contracts, income documents and notarized signature declatarion; and you must provide the same documents for the guarantors if necessary.
  • If you want to benefit from the land financing as a legal person; you must submit a copy of the deed of the land, ID cards of shareholders, notary certified list of authorised signatures, a copy of the Trade Registry Gazette, Chamber of Commerce registration certificate, operating certificate, balance sheets and income statements of the last three years and copies of tax certificate issued in the last three years, and you must also provide the same documents for the guarantors if necessary. You can apply for land financing for your company which has been operating for at least 1 fiscal year.You can visit the nearest Albaraka branch with the required documents and fill the application form for land financing.
  • If you do not have any missing information or document, you will learn the outcome of your application in 24 hours.
  • For more information and other banking operations please call Alo Albaraka at 0850 222 5 666 or 444 5 666.

I want to set rate myself.

Monthly Payment Amount

4.895,74 TL

Paid Back Total Amount

293.744,08 TL

Annual Cost Rate

% 71,1

Total Fees
