Albaraka Mobil
Mobil Bankacılık

Albaraka Bayi Card is a product that offers fast and practical solutions to SMEs that sell goods with forward sale and want to guarantee these sales. Albaraka Bayi Card is a closed circuit card and is only valid for purchasing goods from the main company. In this product, the POS device only has a software that enables system exchange between the dealer, bank and the parent company.

The shopping information made through POS with Albaraka Bayi Card is transferred to our Bank's system. When the payment is due, the invoice is paid via Money transfer if the customer's current account has sufficient balance; if not, the invoice is paid by financing automatically.

Albaraka Bayi Card offers following opportunities:

To Parent Companies:

  • Guaranteeing their sales,
  • Operational burden reduction,
  • Creating a campaign.

To Dealers:

  • Increased purchasing power,
  • Payment with flexible terms,
  • The opportunity to benefit from campaigns.

For more information about Bayi Card and application, you can contact us from "Our Nearest Branches".