With Western Union's extensive network in more than 200 countries and regions, you simply transfer money or withdraw money transferred to you at one of hundreds of thousands of service points within minutes.
You can easily perform your transactions via Albaraka Türk Mobile or Albaraka Türk Personal Internet Branch and Albaraka Türk Branches.
In order to make Western Union transactions via Albaraka mobile; you must have an account with our bank. If you do not have an account yet, you can become our customer immediately with the Become a Customer button and you can easily perform your Western Union transactions.
Transaction Steps:
You can make your transactions via the Western Union menu in the Money Transfers section in Albaraka mobile.
Money Transfer
Name and surname of the recipient
Country to Transfer Money
Payment Type
Money Transfer Type and Amount
Money Receiving
MTCN- 10 digit number given by the sender.
Country - The country where the sender transfers the money.
Currency and Amount - The currency and amount determined and transferred by the sender.
Following the information entered into the system, you can select the account and receive your money in your account without paying any commission fee.
Transactions History
You can view your money transfer or receiving transactions via Western Union.
Fast Transactions
Transactions previously made with Western Union and saved as fast transactions are listed.
In order to make a Western Union transaction from the Internet Branch; you must have an account with our bank. If you do not have an account yet, you can become our customer immediately with the Become a Customer button and you can easily perform your Western Union transactions.
Transaction Steps:
You can make your transactions via the Western Union menu in the Money Transfers section of the Personal Internet Branch.
Money Transfer
Name and surname of the recipient
Country to Transfer Money
Currency and Amount
Money Receiving
MTCN- 10 digit number given to you by the Sender.
Country - The country where the sender transfers the money.
Currency and Amount - The currency and amount determined by the sender and transferred to you.
Following the information entered into the system, you can get your money to your account without paying any commission by selecting your account.
You can transfer and receive money through the Western Union system without the necessity of being a customer of our Bank and opening an account through the nearest Albaraka Türk branch.
Transaction Steps:
Money Transfer
Money Receiving
MTCN- 10 digit number given to you by the Sender
Country - The country where the sender transfers the money.
Currency and Amount - The currency and amount determined by the sender and transferred to you.
Name and Surname of Sender
For detailed information about transfer fees, you can visit the “Western Union Transfer Fees” page.
Click to see online money transfer fees.